SSC study materials - Maths



1.    Triangle


v   Area = ½  * base * height

Where a,b,c are the lengths of the sides of triangle and

                  s = a+b+c /2; 2s = a+b+c


v   Area of a equilateral triangle = √3 / 4 *(side)²

2.    Rectangle


v   Area = length * breadth

v   Perimeter = 2 (length + breadth)


3.    Square


v   Perimeter = 4 * side

v   Area = (side)²

v   Diagonal = side * √2


4.    Parallelogram


v   Area = base * height


5.    Rhombus


v   Area = ½ (d1 * d2)


6.    Regular hexagon


v   Perimeter = 6 * side

v   Area = 3√3 /2 * (side)²




7.    Cube


v   Volume = (a)³

v   Whole surface = 6a²


8.    Circle


v   Area = πr²

v   Circumference = 2 πr


9.    Sphere


v   Volume = 4/3 πr³

v   Surface area = 4/3 πr²


10.                       Cylinder


v   Volume = πr² h

v   Total surface area = 2 πr(r+h)

v   Curved surface area = 2πrh


11.                       Cone


v   Volume = ½ πr² h

v   Curved surface area = πrl

v   Total surface are = πr(l+r)


This simplest form of formulae's of mensuration will help you to work out the sums for the exams.





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